Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Monday

On the ship our work week is from Tue. - Sat. and Sunday is focused on a lot of ministry, leaving Monday as my day off! So unlike most of the rest of the world, I love Mondays!!!

My family called today (yay!!! :D) and I got to talk to them for near an hour and half!!! My littlest sister, Hope (who was 3 weeks old when I left), is almost 1 and a half! She is walking and babbling and climbing on lots of stuff - they said her favorite thing is Daddy's ipod touch-! And every morning she wants to play with it. They have company, as usual; the kids are really stretching out and off doing lots of things! We talked about support and prayer requests. The doggies are fine and it's getting warm...

This afternoon I went off the ship with Elise for a special treat of ice-cream at the little "Australian"-named place! It's cool because Elise is from Australia, and it was REALLY GOOD ICE-CREAM! Fun time of talking and walking around the town together! :)

There are a bunch of farewell testimonies tonight because a lot of people are leaving soon. I'm going to that and then it's early to bed because I start work at 4:30am tomorrow morning - we're shifting over to the container port to load our 13 (13!) containers of supplies over the next two days. It's going to be a lot of work and I don't know where it's all going to fit on the ship; all I know is it's all hands on deck for gearing up for Africa!

St. Johns, ANTIGUA

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