Thursday, November 26, 2009

Logos Hope Adventure Nov. 24, 2009


MALARIA PILLS.  EXTRA SECURITY.  AIDS.  ...welcome to Guyana!

We're told lots of things sailing to this new and unknown and we're not quite sure what to expect in this first (and only at this time) port in South America.  Guyana has a population of 922,942. 43% of the population says they are Christian, 33% are Hindu and 8.7% Muslim.  The exciting thing in this port is that for the first time we are really bringing out the "Help" part of "Knowledge, Help, and Hope."  Almost half of ship's company has the opportunity to go on a Challenge Team or Help Team during our three weeks there, bringing practical aid to the people.  I will be part of a team that will be working with Habitat for Humanity to build houses!  I volunteered with Habitat for several days in the States last year, and now I get to do it in another country! :)

So, here we go, rocking and rolling a bit because the port (left side) stabilizer is not working, and taking our malaria tablets.  Gearing up for... [enter scary music] ...GUYANA!  We should arrive tomorrow in the capitol, Georgetown.

-God for a great Sabbath week where ship's company was able to rest and refocus on God and have good teaching sessions by pastor Gary Simons.  For me was a time to slow down and not think about my job, but focus on my life.  It was a good reminder that our LIVES are supposed to be worship. (Rom. 12:1)  Please pray that every aspect of my life would be pleasing to Jesus.  It's all to easy to compromise or think He doesn't care about [a certain aspect], but actually He has called us to live pure lives and we can always live to a higher standard.
-That I do not get seasick!  This is a BIG praise - I am so blessed!  Today is my off day and as soon as I finish this I'm running off to go take care of a bunch of the toddlers who's moms aren't feeling so hot.

-For the many who are seasick onboard.  There is also some kind of flu/virus going around, as well as side effects from the Malaria tablets we're all taking to keep us from dying (haha!), so put together, about 80% of us are sick.
-That the Challenge/Help teams would be able a blessing to the people of Guyana and a great way to share God's love.
-That I would stay safe and healthy while in Guyana.
-That no one would catch Malaria!
-That we could really reach out to the Hindu and Muslim population and that God would give us the right words to say so we wouldn't offend them

Off to take a Malaria pill and play with the kiddos!

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